Thread: ATVs annoy me
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Old November 20, 2001, 09:15 PM   #32
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Join Date: December 24, 1999
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Two yahoos on ATVs ruined this year's elk hunt for me.

I had tracked a big bull ofor a couple of hours. I know it was big because of the tracks, which others in my hunting party confirmed as being as big as they'd ever seen. They were the types who would know.

Anyway, I'm stalking along, when suddenly the sound of ATVs fills the valley. Pretty bad, but not as bad as what follows...

The yahoos stop about a hundred yards or so away and start shouting back and forth. Shouting! I hear the crash of something large about fifty yards further along in the direction I've been heading. I move forward and the only tracks evident are the ones I was following all morning. My bull is gone.

Meriam Webster's: Main Entry: ci·vil·ian Pronunciation: \sə-ˈvil-yən also -ˈvi-yən\, Function: noun, Date: 14th century, 1: a specialist in Roman or modern civil law, 2 a: one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force b: outsider 1, — civilian adjective
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