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Old October 28, 2011, 08:57 AM   #58
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Join Date: November 20, 2008
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Brian, there is no way to tactfully say this so i'll just say it: what you just stated is one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard. To think you would honestly compare a job...a simple means of generating the same level as your very existence. I can't help but pity you right now.
To carry or not to carry a gun is a personal choice. I certainly can see how some people place extremely high values on their careers. There's a huge difference between devoting the majority of your life to career you are passionate about, and working a 9-5 job just to pay the bills.

If you are Space Shuttle astronaut who has devoted his entire adult life to being able to fly Space Shuttle missions, are you going to disregard the "no firearms aboard the Space Shuttle" policy? Yeah, it's like that.
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