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Old January 5, 2020, 01:05 PM   #26
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Join Date: December 28, 2006
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Universal Background Checks sans registration

Is it possible?
IMHO, it is. The technology is out there that once the BC has been made and a pass/fail determination made, that all traces of the BC destroyed. Make/Model/serial number do not to be included, only that a purchase is being considered. A BC would not be able to confirm whether or not the purchase was made.

The biggest problem with this is, that folks don't trust the folks they themselves, or their neighbors voted into office. They think that something nefarious is going on and that "big brother' knows who has what for firearms and will be coming for them. They say we do not need BC because the RTBA protects us. But whatever happens for the rest of our rights to be destroyed, will also destroy the 2nd. If that ever happens, all bets are off, even without BCs. I guarantee you, if a Stormtrooper is holding a gun to your shooting buddies wife's head, he is going to rat you out. The fact that you have guns bought without a BC or because there once was a 2A, won't mean squat.

That doesn't mean that I think BCs are going to reduce violent crime one iota. Criminal are still going to buy stolen guns and steal guns. Some folks are still going to do the cash under the counter thingy. Like volunteer online deer registration, those who hunt responsibly will follow the law, but those that did not go to registration stations years ago will still feel superior because they don't.
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