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Old November 27, 2012, 12:46 AM   #9
Join Date: November 26, 2012
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 99
I served for 10 years in the Field Artillery (M110a2 and M109a2/a3).... I had several occasions when I did not have earplugs/headset/CVC helmet on and got whacked with way more muzzle blast than a handgun would impart. I spent many hours in close proximity to large diesel engines in teeth rattling tracked vehichles and Very Large Trucks at Ludicrous Speed on various Autobahns ...... hearing damage is cumulative........

My hearing is not perfect, but my quality of life is better having done what I did then than if I had than if I submitted the whims of .... "persons"...... who would offer me violence like the Wisconsin State Fair deal...... if only "pour l'encouragement des autres".... "when Good Men do nothing, Evil is unopposed."
Perhaps your right and I'm overreacting. Thanks for the feedback.

Better deaf than dead.
It depends on what you value in life. Some musicians would rather be dead then loose a hand, some artists would rather be dead then go blind.

I feel that a .22LR in the vehicle for carjackers would be a fair compromise between keeping my hearing and saving my life. Plus, I'd still be carrying my .38spl for everything else.
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