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Old February 7, 2018, 05:01 PM   #26
Junior Member
Join Date: February 6, 2018
Posts: 7
I appreciate all the input from you. And I also feel grateful for the (relative...) respect you feel towards each other and don't lash out at each other as I have seen in many other places.

While I feel that I know what kind of society I would like to see and how it could be made, and in that I include the right of every person and citizen to be able to defend himself and his family, I also feel that it's VERY difficult to have such world view where I live, with the almost impossible and irrational fear that most people seem to feel towards guns and weapons. It seems that the worst places for these tendencies actually are in the countries that ought to be most grateful for weapons. The countries that have managed to keep a peace for a relatively long time. But the citizens have been dozing off in their material comfort and illusional safety brought by a Strong State that makes you believe that it will keep you safe no matter what. But we need to remind ourselves that the basic safety and security must come from ourselves, not from an outside party. But with the exception of the need to keep together to fend off unfairness and people with ill intent. I just need to ventilate my mind a bit from these unreasonable ideas that seem to perpetuate even in the US that everything should be controlled by the State, "becuase it's good for you"... Ok, enough of the rant. Time for bed in my time zone...
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