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Old September 19, 2020, 02:05 PM   #20
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I honestly believe McConnell would be the worlds biggest hypocrite if he refused to confirm Garland in 2016 because of a pending election, yet now that the shoe is on the other foot he seems quite eager to confirm a nominee prior to the election. And I’m conservative, but I don’t blindly defend or cheer for the Republican Party. I just call it like I see it.
McConnel is the ultimate pragmatist/politician. He is up for re-election this year and Democrats have thrown a ton of money in support of the opposition. At one point, McConnel's lead did not appear secure, but he has opened a bigger lead the last few weeks.

Kentucky is a very gun-friendly state. If McConnell doesn't at least push heavily to get a justice appointed, it could backfire against him at the polls. If that makes him a hypocrite, so be it. I would rather live with a hypocrite in the Senate than give up a golden opportunity for meaningful advancement of the Second Amendment.
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