Thread: Lead bans
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Old November 15, 2009, 08:24 PM   #11
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Join Date: February 10, 2009
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lead was used for htousands of years in public drinking supply pipes, for cups, for containers to hold the salt and pepper at dinner tables.

incandescent lightbulbs work on several good principles. i can read all day with one and nothing happens to my vision. a half hour of using the new energy efficient bulbs and my head is realing for hours.
european studies have discovered that the compact bulbs and especially the "full color spectrum" ones are causing psychological disorders in people who are exposed to them for extended periods on a heavy basis.
"childhood abuse made me kill 10 people with a pair of scissors" will be replaced with "compact flourescent bulbs at home, work, subway, made me go nuts and kill 10 people..."
also the new bulbs make every possible defect stand out upon a person. the lighting at makeup counters is even worse for some reason. cant help but seeing you have ugly looking skin in the mirror next to the $100 dollar cream that promises to give you super sexy skin..

also is the same principle as bio fuel. sure it looks good in principle, you can grow corn and grass every year but you cant regrow crude oil. but the production of bio fuel subtracts massive amounts of grain from the supply we need to feed ourselves with. and that deficit requires growing even more grain, that needs more oil based fertilizer, more diesel to operate the trasport truck for the fertilizer, the tractors to spread it, water the corn, and to harvest the corn. do not forget more corn needs more propane to dry it out after harvest.
and in the end the biofuel industry admitted in 2003 that for every gallon of ethanol produced, a minimum of 2 gallons of gasoline were required to produce it.
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