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Old November 28, 2006, 05:20 PM   #20
Double Naught Spy
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Join Date: January 8, 2001
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seems to me if they are going to deny you your right to keep and bear arms....they owe you an explanation not just "you're denied."
Don't you love our system
Who are they? Do you mean NCIS/FBI/Gov or Wal-mart? Wal-mart give him their reason. NCIS said to not allow the sale. That is the limit of their need to deal in the situation as his problems with his record and the government have nothing to do with Wal-Mart.

He can find out, only not at Wal-mart. That isn't their job. On top of that, does a person really want the NCIS system spitting back a return that is then repeated back to that person via one of those highly confidential Wal-Mart or other gun shop employees. Does a clerk really need to know the reason why he was denied a gun purchase?

As noted above, he needs to go to the source and find out for himself.
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