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Old August 8, 2009, 08:03 AM   #13
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Join Date: April 25, 2008
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My dog brought home a tiny, 2 day old bunny one day. She dropped the rabbit on the porch, and the little guy was unhurt!
He was the size of a big mouse.
I got hold of the animal rescue people, and they took him a few hours later. He was still quite healthy, they told me he would do fine, and they would release him into the woods in a few months.
This was in April, I told these guys I was surprised that Mrs. Rabbit had a litter that early.
They told me that Mrs. Rabbit had a litter 4 or 5 times a year.
I asked, with so many baby bunnies running around, what was the main danger faced by a little rabbit.
They told me that a little rabbit is the peanut butter and jelly sandwich of the forest. They said that just about every predator will eat a bunny.
They said that crows are especially bad, they will peck a little bunny on the head to kill it, and then eat it.

Gee, I didn't see that when I saw Bambi. In that film the birds and the bunnies of the forest were all friends, it was only men with rifles that would harm a forest creature.
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