Thread: Bin Laden raid
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Old May 4, 2011, 08:14 PM   #13
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Join Date: April 8, 2011
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The most wanted man in the world is finally found and killed, after nearly a 10 year man-hunt. Yet our government does not provide any physical evidence; not publicly, to prove he has been killed. I hope our spec war boys actually got him; I know they are up to the task, the government claims they acomplished, but I have to be dubious. If they did get him, as they claim, then why in the world would they withhold the proof from the public? I just have to wonder if he hasn't been dead for sometime; killed in some air raid or just from the stress of hiding all these years? Like I said, I have great faith in our spec war boys, but I have little faith in the government.
"I'm what ya call a 'conscientious objector'; you know a coward". Bender "futurama"
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