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Old March 1, 2019, 06:22 PM   #27
Senior Member
Join Date: April 2, 2018
Posts: 252
The skills that keep you out of gun-action are always going to be more important. Next most important would be the skills that allow you to make good decisions on use-of-force.

But if we're considering weapon-handling skills exclusively, I don't think that time to draw is the most critical, but it can depend on what kinds of lethal-force encounters you might encounter. We might categorize them as:

crimes of opportunity against a person (armed robbery, mugging, assault, carjacking)
home invasion
domestic violence
acts of terrorism
mass shooter
assassination attempt

In some of these encounters, you might be a bystander, at least at first. In some, you have a chance to comply (hand over your wallet) and survive. In others, you have to fight to survive. Just opening the cash register might cause an armed robber to leave you alone, but it won't stop an assassin. If you start out as a bystander to terrorism, mass shooting, or domestic violence, you have to decide if and when to intervene.

While being able to draw smoothly, consistently, and without fumbling is critical, most lethal-force encounters aren't quick-draw competitions. So while drawing is super important, if tenths of a second are going to be critical, you might be better off not drawing. If it's really down to tenths, you might be trying to draw when your opponent already has the drop on you.

Whatever the encounter, the chances are your opponent is ahead of you because they initiated the attack. If they're using a weapon merely for intimidation (armed robbery), you might have to "wait your turn" and look for a better opportunity for a counter-ambush. You have a better chance with "compliance," or doing whatever your attacker wants until you get a better opportunity than one where tenths of a second matter.

So I would rate skill in drawing as very important, but not necessarily sheer speed in the draw, especially if the super-quick-draw speed you endeavor to attain is only practical with a special stance, two-hands available, and other controlled variables all in your favor.
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