Thread: I'm confused
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Old December 10, 2018, 11:37 AM   #10
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Join Date: July 14, 2002
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The amount of time, money and resources we spend on classifying deadly weapons is assinine. Imagine if we shifted that effort and those resources to actual law enforcement and simplified it down to “if you are caught committing any crime with any deadly weapon or item used as a deadly weapon you are going away from society, do no pass go”.

Threaten a liquor store owner with a .38 yer outta here.
Getaway driver with a short barreled not pass go.
Mug somebody and have a broken bottle on you buhby.

The sheer waste of money and resources that we could bring to bear against actual criminals is mind boggling.

But hey let’s carry on with the minutiae of making sure Joe accountant can’t have a 15.87 inch rifle or the fact a shotgun is only a shotgun if it’s not a firearm but only on the waning moon of the summer solstice......

Sorry I have NO dog in the Shockwave’s or bump stocks or braces or whatever it just annoys me more and more the older I get at the amount of effort we waste on this crap but we will let REAL felons go everyday.

I digress.

I return you to your “firearm” discussion.
"Is there anyway I can write my local gun store off on my taxes as dependents?"
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