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Old December 9, 2014, 02:04 AM   #5
Blue Duck
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Join Date: October 15, 2006
Posts: 402
One thing I got out of this when I first watched one of videos, was how fast thing happened once the bullet started flying.

The two men were very lucky not to have been hit at all by any of the bullets fired, and I guess they were able to react at least fast enough not to get shot, even though neither could return fire. I suppose a good rule in a gunfight is not to get shot.

The other thing I got out of it, was especially in the case of running a place that might get robbed is even though both men were armed, and even had some other guns planted around the store, neither could return fire. A .38 snub in your pocket might make you feel safe, but if you can't access it quickly, it may not do you any good when the chips fall.

One of the things that did help them all survive is awareness. They were suspecting this to go badly, by the time it started, which probably saved some of them by be able to react quickly even if it was just to duck down to avoid getting shot.

The woman reacted well, and didn't hesitate to shoot when she had to, and she kept shooting as long as she could, I would give her credit for being cool under fire, and concentrating on her shooting. She is a gunfighter IMHO.

The perps were lousy shots, and that's a good thing. But the employees, in this arena should have been carrying bigger guns in strong side holsters, maybe concealed by a vest or long shirt or something, where they could have accessed them quicker. Both men couldn't get their revolvers out of their pockets, quick enough, and I don't think either one got a shot off.

This ought to be a good lesson for any of us, that CCW. Yeah I know, having a gun, any gun on your person makes you feel more secure, but I believe that many of us take the easy route, sometimes and use carry methods that are probably useless in many of the situations that are likely to happen, if something really did go down, that was life threatening. Hopefully, most of us will never be put to the test.
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