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Old July 13, 2001, 04:21 PM   #2
David Scott
Senior Member
Join Date: February 11, 2000
Posts: 2,456
We ALWAYS use 'em! There's too much crap that can happen to eyes and ears.

I think it's the club management's job, not yours, to go up to people and tell them to put on their safety gear. If you quietly get the word to them, they should handle it.

Suggestion: Carry a spare set of safety glasses and ear muffs in your range bag. They can be low-cost; I've seen both at the $10 level in Lowe's hardware. When you see someone without, offer to loan them your spares. Maybe they'll get the idea.
"As I looked at my two young sons, each with his gun, and considered how much the safety of the party depended on these little fellows, I felt grateful to you, dear husband, for having acquainted them in childhood with the use of firearms."

-- Elisabeth Robinson, in The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss
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