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Old September 6, 2007, 10:38 AM   #87
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Perhaps he just wants your money to buy crack, in which case it's less risky to just give it to him, but he also might want to get the person to an enclosed location to he can rape and then kill them silently with a knife, in which case it's better to try your luck neutralizing him
That's kinda my point. How do you know which you're dealing with? I think a smart young woman who is used to interpersonal communications should concentrate on that aspect as much as possible.

Pax, I appreciate your concern over my firearms experience and training, but quite frankly don't see how it applies to the conversation at hand. I think that the training is the problem, or rather the lack of real world experience is the problem. I don't think the average person realises how brutal violent people are. I don't think people realise how fast and furious most street encounters are.

In short, I think what is being suggested is akin to dropping a soccer mom into Iraq after a few hours of "training".

I am not, nor did I ever claim to be, a firearms expert. I grew up in a rough part of the world, have owned and used guns since I was 7 and spent 10 years in the military. I have been shot at, but never shot thank god. I have been in more than my share of violent encounters, and have come out second best more times than I would like to remember, and have come away with broken bones anyway when I was not second best. I know how ill-prepared I am, despite 25 years of martial arts training and 20 years before that growing up as a hillbilly, when fists and feet start flying, knowing that it seems folly that others consider themselves prepared after a few hours of training.
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