Thread: Okay, people.
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Old September 13, 2001, 09:39 PM   #88
4V50 Gary
Join Date: November 2, 1998
Location: Colorado
Posts: 21,832
Go Navy Joe! I agree completely. Lest we forget, not all Americans are from European descent. Lest we forget, not all who died in NYC were even Americans and a lot of foreign nationals died too.

I have a coworker whose wife is a Lebanese Arab. Guess what? she's a Christian and there are Christian Arabs in the Middle East too. We can't stereotype a race and presume that they're all of one religion.

Like LawDog & Spectre, I will stand in front of a Arab grocer or cabbie to protect him from an angry mob. I cannot stand idle and permit an Islamic mosque or Christian church be vandalised. There isn't a distinction under American law. BTW, one of the hardest things I ever did as a deputy was to stand between a (Marietta) Cubano who had just attacked a black American. The black inmates were screaming for his blood for attacking the guy while he was asleep. I wanted him myself or slip and fall so the inmates could have him. Yet I did my duty and protected that POS and removed him to safety. In the case of an innocent Arab grocer or cabbie, the duty is even stronger since (S)he perpetrated no wrong.

Have we forgotten about how the bodies of our fallen were dragged through the streets by the Moghadishu mobs? We felt they were shamefully barbaric, didn't we? Are we now any better than them? If we attack American Arabs, burn out their businesses or Mosques, we're no better than the Nazis. Yes retribution will be made, but not against the innocent.
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt. Molon Labe!
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