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Old July 18, 2017, 09:01 AM   #38
Join Date: June 8, 2008
Posts: 4,022
I was thinking that if there were a home invasion, it would be in the dead of night while your piece was in a stand next to you.
That's the most common fantasy. And it does happen.

But what do you do if you have not yet retired to bed?

Most burglaries occur during the day time. I would assume that that's because no one is usually home at that time.

But we have had three here in town with the past few years that did occur during they time in which the victims were at home. In two of them, the occupants were tied up and forced to reveal the location of valuables. The people were not taken. In another, the resident returned home while the crime was in progress. She was shot dead by one of the burglars--a friend of her son.

Som why would criminals force the occupant of a home or car to come with them? The two most likely reasons, in my mind, are (1) to get the ATM card and cash therefrom, and (2) to give the perps time before the crime is reported.
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