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Old December 5, 2012, 04:24 PM   #35
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Join Date: May 7, 2012
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The almost magical work of the dogs. still amazes me how it works sometimes.

Listening to dogs flushing the game, figuring out where to sneak of to catch the pursuit and get a window to shot. or if you are stationed in a blind or whatever and hearing it getting closer.

Listening to the baying of something and getting up close.

Seeing me labrador swimming out to get some ducks or running out in the field for some geese and coming back with them beaming with pride.

Sure i do some pure stalking and some bigger organized stuff but that is not my fav, it is for the meat.

Strange to say but I do enjoy the tracking of wounded animals(not my own obviosuly) more like I like the challenge when called out (either from the police and a traffic accident) or some other hunter who botched it. and again it is the dogs that do me proud
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