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Old April 20, 2011, 10:19 PM   #7
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Join Date: May 1, 2010
Posts: 5,797, Florida security D/G licenses, use of force...

I saw the media item & video on .
You can also see: & .
For more details about the Florida security laws/use of deadly force standards see: .
Armed security officers are allowed by FS493 to only carry .38spl revolvers, 9x19mm(9mmLuger) or the .380acp on security duty.
They are also required to re-qual & take a 4 hour training class once a year.
Officers are NOT considered sworn law enforcement and are held to the same legal conditions as a regular citizen, re: use of deadly force.
G class security officers or license holders CAN NOT shoot at fleeing subjects under most most conditions(armed robbery, home invasions, auto theft etc).
This information is in the Florida Div of Licensing hand-outs in any state office.
The G officer's actions were sound and he used good tactics from what was put out to the general public at this point. The only point I'd bring up is that he(or any uniformed guard) would be much better served by a CCTV video system or maybe a re-enforced security door with a buzzer system to screen patrons or visitors first.
Access control is important but many security clients or customers do not understand or want to pay for crime prevention/asset protection assessments.
The Florida AG's office offers these courses: .

Another good central FL security shooting event to view took place in the Daytona Beach FL area. A G officer(retired police officer) shot a armed subject who held up a drug store. See it on

In closing, I reserve making any full judgements or opinions until all the facts & details are made public. I'm sure the State Atty's office & Seminole County Sheriff's Office(the lead LE agency) will investigate the incident.

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