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Old April 27, 2011, 09:49 PM   #9
Join Date: August 18, 2005
Location: Florida
Posts: 20
'THEZACHARIAS' is right. Pastunwali above all else, and a core tenant of that code is avenging any perceived attack on one's honor, as well as the revenge for a fallen tribal member. Ironically, this "Eye for an Eye" custom results in a relatively low murder rate among commoners over there. It works against the foreigner however (USA).

Pashtun proverb: "I against my brother. My brother and I against my cousin. Me, my brother and my cousins against the stranger".

To bring this back on topic, my unit had "Active shooter" training after the Fort Hood shootings. It called upon us to identify any subvertive behavior leading up to a potential shooting, and if a shooting happens, lock ourselves in an area away from the shooter. Not all that helpful...

If I'm not mistaken, the police tactics used to be lock the place down and wait for the big guns (SWAT). As I currently understand it, law enforcement has shifted to a strategy of first on scene, first to take action. If above is true (please confirm), then why haven't those tactics been broadcast for the rest of us to train with.
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