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Old December 31, 2008, 01:05 AM   #119
David Armstrong
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Join Date: January 24, 2005
Location: SW Louisiana
Posts: 2,289
Would you prepare for an earthquake or flood using that philosophy?
Yes. There are different levels of severity (threat) to worry about. I do not prepare for an earthquake where I live. The odds of it happening are so remote that it just does not enter my thoughts. When I lived in California, on the other hand, preparations for an earthquake made sense even though the chance of needing the preparations was pretty slim.
When I was in Oklahoma I did not prepare for or worry about a flood. We lived on a very high elevation. Where I am now a flood is a rare but distinct possibility, so I took out a small flood insurance policy to help me repair should the rare event occur. Proper understanding of risks allows me to prepare properly. Again, that doesn't mean you shouldn't have an earthquake kit if yo want one, or tha tyou shouldn't buy flood insurance if you live on the top of a mountain if that is what you want.
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