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Old November 1, 2011, 12:09 PM   #20
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Join Date: January 8, 2011
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My question about the opening question is if you draw the line in what you teach, what prevents the next person from teaching what you wouldn't teach?
They don't know it, that is what stops them, and worries me! I am very creative, as are others, and I have developed stuff, and won big competitions with, and survived on the street with, that I do not want home invaders to know, or druggies, etc... That is the nightmare I worry about.


Techniques for using space and control that defy convention, and common training, as we all know some training is for the purpose of CYA, and not effectiveness! Those new guys with only CYA training could die, so the Department can spare themselves a law suit. Life and Death requires responses that most may not know, or dare to show!!!

"If Ands and Buts were Candy and Nuts, everyday would be like Christmas"
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