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Old March 25, 2014, 09:31 PM   #55
Join Date: August 25, 2012
Posts: 62
"The feedback I am getting seems to be-
Bits of copper fowling and stuff can imbed itself in the soft nylon bristles making it more abrasive than a metal brush?

I respect everyone's passion for the subject."

I agree that you're probably right that nothing more abrasive than metal will get into metal and wear the metal away.

The ferrous argument doesn't make much sense to me. Ferrous just means that it contains iron. You won't likely be picking up iron bits in your nylon bristles, and if you do it'll be negligible and not worth the worry.

I'm betting you can easily spin that nylon bristle brush through your barrel without worries for years. I've used one on my teeth. And spinning it at high revolutions is just going to wear down the nylon brush well before you have to worry about it wearing down your hardened barrel.
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