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Old March 7, 2013, 10:22 PM   #7
Join Date: December 18, 2012
Location: USA
Posts: 77
Virginia seemed to be fairly decent about it for the short time I was there. The weather there is slightly milder(i.e., not so hot in summer) than the Carolinas, unless you are in the mountains.

North Carolina has a really idiotic Jim Crow era pistol purchase permit law that is still on the books. You must obtain a permit from the county sheriff to buy a pistol. That was recently amended so that CCW holders can buy pistols without also needing to get a pistol permit. No permits needed for long guns


The only positive aspect of the NC pistol permit is that you can also use it instead of waiting for the background check, as it is a substitute for the Brady requirements(the Sheriffs run the checks when they process the permit app.). Same day pickup. With a permit use at an FFL you can get a single pistol and as many long guns as you can afford.

The NC pistol permits have different requirements in every county - AFAIK all at the discretion of the currently elected Sheriff. (I guess some counties were more racist than others when the law was crafted.) Some counties are very straightforward, some have extra idiotic hoops to jump through. If it is an issue, check with the county sheriff before moving in. I got lucky....

So now I want to leave NC for TX or LA, where hooligans still often ride the highways with their shotguns on window racks of their pick-ups, and there are lots of places to shoot.
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