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Old December 9, 2013, 06:55 PM   #72
Senior Member
Join Date: April 4, 2013
Posts: 168
Who says if you bring an AR-15 the people breaking in don't have 3 AK-47s, Level IIIA body armor, and a grenade?
Well, I have read about home invasions and a few similar crimes but in none of those was a grenade used so I won't worry about that.

However, I don't imagine any home invasion type crime has been committed with anything less than a handgun or two. If I am planning to be armed for 90% of what I have read about why would I choose to arm myself to just the same minimum level to be expected? THAT doesn't make sense. A proper defense has to be more powerful than the anticipated attack - this is a fundamental concept.

If I was starting from zero; owned no guns, had no training, had no experience facing armed opponents nor any idea how criminals operate that would be a different discussion. I am already well past all that and have numerous compact rifles and shotguns to choose from.

I am not arguing that my choice is the best for everybody or even for any person in particular. I am just stating what my choice is and why.
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