Thread: Sniping pigeons
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Old August 30, 2000, 10:10 PM   #9
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Join Date: July 7, 2000
Location: Anchorage
Posts: 863
You're good art, but I live blowguns, I began with slurpie straws and toothpicks, with a piece of yarn taped to the end, then I progressed.
Take a 1/2 inch thick piece of PVC pipe, plastic, 3 to 4 feet long. Buy some bailing wire from any feed store and cut those anywhere from 1 1/2" to 4". The shorter ones are more accurate out further, but not as good for "large game" such as cottain tails. Take heavey 3x5 index cards and cut circles out of the middle, you should only get about 1 circle per card, almost two, but then the circles would be too small. Cut a slice halfway into the circle (radius) and form a cone. Push the bailing wire piece through the cone and tape around it about 5 times with ordinary scotch tape. Use a lighter to melt the tape to the bailing wire (rough it with a file to make the tape stick better.) File point to desired deadliness the biggest thing I've ever shot was a cottaintail through the neck. Never got pigeons this way, but one or two doves have met this method.
A word of caution, blowgun darts are to feet, as metal is to magnets. And your mom who is gardening barefoot WILL ground you if she finds one!!

[This message has been edited by BadMedicine (edited August 31, 2000).]
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