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Old June 21, 2008, 10:25 PM   #21
Staff Alumnus
Join Date: October 23, 1998
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Gyuakute Waza Disarm

1. The "typical surrender" position should actually be with your hands more out to the sides instead of above your head, if your assailant lets you get away with it.

2. Forget left and right. Using the hand closest to the BG's pistol, rotate your body, as you push the hand with the pistol off you. If you rotate your body, you will reach their hand faster while you simultaneously take yourself out of line of fire.

3. Grip the top and bottom of their gun hand and pull forward (though, again, NOT towards you). This will weaken their arm and move them off balance.

4. Pivot/rotate your body. Bring their hand with you, never sweeping your body. Their pistol will end up pointing towards them, if they can't drop it, and their hand and probably at least trigger finger should be broken. Well executed, this works with knives too. If you practice with a training knife, you can see the possibilities.

J.R. Shirley

Wandering Thoughts
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