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Old May 7, 2010, 07:57 AM   #9
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Join Date: January 7, 2010
Location: Western North Carolina
Posts: 143
Jim and Dfararis may be onto something here. However, after a close breakdown and examination there seems to be no problem with the cocking piece being too far forward. Also, I can see no tool marks that would lead me to believe that a blind monkey with a dremmel tool tried to work on the trigger pull. I got ballsy enough yesterday evening to clamp it down to the sled and use a remote trigger (Takes real cohenes to use a remote trigger huh?) Everything seems to work fine when it comes to firing the gun. It fired smoothly and properly cycled the next round. Now, don't panic, I'm still not ready to put it on the shelf just yet. There is still a problem with the safety. I'm satisfied that the gun is in good "firing" condition. But, the safety issues are of too much concern to sell it just yet. There is something not right about a firearm that you can not put the safety on while cocked. There seems to be no way to use the safety on this gun; while cocked the safety wont budge, with the safety on the bolt won't budge. The bolt sleeve seems to be sitting too far back. However, when its not cocked the safety does cam the cocking piece.
"Those who hammer their guns into plow shears will become subject to those who do not."
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