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Old June 4, 2013, 03:51 AM   #28
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I have a great aversion to bureaucratic nonsense and have been known to revert to sarcasm when I confront it (or them). I would ask the owner if he has a camera handy, and if so would he take a photo of my face because today will be the LAST TIME he sees me in his place of business, and then stroll on out the door.
I sometimes wonder if the world will end due to stupid people in positions of power or if Political Correctness will be our final nail-in-the-coffin. Nuff Said.
A little on the extreme end to react this way, when some LGS are required to sell those firearms to LE only.

I doubt they could do much about it or they will be breaking manufacturer contract on that firearm (if they have one).

Why not just have the lgs order you another one at regular price?
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