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Old June 7, 2009, 09:16 AM   #1
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
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Could the United States function with a narrow reading of the Commerce Clause?

First, I imagine some of you may be wondering how the "commerce clause" has any bearing on the right to keep and bear arms. The following short article by Thomas Sowell is a great explanation of both the commerce clause, how it has been misinterpreted of late, and how it affects your gun rights (and you can read the entire thing in less than 5 minutes).

Some quick background for those just coming to this debate can also be found at Wikipedia and in this more scholarly article by Glenn Reynolds for the CATO Institute.

So now that we have some background, my question for discussion: Could the United States continue as we know it if the Commerce Clause were interpreted more narrowly? If everything from the USDA to FDA to medical devices to gasoline in your fuel tank were suddenly regulated by the state instead of the Feds, would quality of life improve or would we see life become more complex and regulatory?
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