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Old May 30, 2009, 12:31 PM   #51
Tucker 1371
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My Grand Idea

Before I became acquainted with all of the full auto firearms laws that are on the books I was under the impression that a diufficult and somewhat expensive to obtain permit was required to own full auto weapons, but it was a one time deal and you were covered for life for every full auto weapon you bought.

Now looking back, this seems much better than the crap we have on the books currently.

My suggestion would be to introduce a bill that would revise the current laws and processes to this:

1.) In place of the tax stamp per weapon system now in place require a federal lifetime permit for anyone wishing to buy fully automatic weapons. This process (to get moderates and some libs to go with it) should include a thorough background check (more thorough than ones for regular guns) and the requirements for obtaining such a permit should be strict (i.e. no DUIs, MIPs, underage drinking, no misdemeanor assault, no animal abuse/cruelty, possibly more). Other possibilities to get more people on board with the bill is to have to have non friend or relative references such as a manager, psychologist, or teacher/professor.
2.) Repeal the Hughes ammendment to the '86 bill. Again, to get people on board there may have to be slight restrictions put on this, such as limited quantities imported or maybe a tarriff (not to exceed a certain amount of course).

Keep in mind that part 1 is a one time affair, after that (if you've got a clean record) you're set for life (barring commision of future felonies). Part 2 is intended to dramatically plummet the price of FA weapons so people who make less than six figures per year can actually have a chance at owning them. This process could also be applied to SBRs and SBSs and suppressors.
Sgt. of Marines, 5th Award Expert Rifle, 237/250
Expert Pistol, 382/400. D Co, 4th CEB, Engineers UP!!
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OEF 2011 Sangin, Afg. Molon Labe

Last edited by Tucker 1371; May 31, 2009 at 01:17 AM.
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