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Old January 14, 2005, 03:39 PM   #83
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Join Date: May 28, 2004
Location: Prosser WA
Posts: 103
Why do I kill? A little background. My family owns an orchard and we keep livestock. Cows, horses, chickens, and goats. I don't have a need to kill for meat, have all I want for next to nothing. I hunt coyotes on occasion, and shoot them whenever the opportunity presents itself. We've had a few problems with them harrasing the cows and taking chickens. Every spring I kill as many crows as I can manage, its amazing the damage they can do to cherry and apple crops. When I'm not shooting crows in the spring, I'm killing ground squirrels in the vineyards. One vineyard in particular is so infested that every plant has huge holes dug underneath them. This is definately bad for the crops, a lot of farmers will supply ammunition for you to use.

You can say that I only hunt for depredation purposes. I do enjoy the hunting that I do. Coyotes and crows are a big challenge, they are much smarter than most would believe. The ground squirrels are a large nuisance that if not shot, will be poisoned.

These are my reasons for killing.
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