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Old April 17, 2011, 09:32 AM   #23
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Join Date: July 20, 2008
Location: WA, USA
Posts: 447
I still can't believe that our left wing, left coast politicians actually went for this!!!!
The time to be shocked is over. There is much left to be done. Next is SBS and SBR.

Here is bill 2099.

It eases restrictions on SBS/SBR by doing away with the July 1994 registration requirement and merely requiring that they be registered with the feds.

Bill 2098 is SBR only, some sort of backup bill I think.

There is a small group of people working on getting bill 2099 pushed through the legislature. It will of course not go anywhere this session, but it should make progress in 2012.

For those that want to help, there is an forum member that is making a list of people so they can divide up duties to ensure everything gets done in an efficient manner. Look at this thread and contact the forum member by the name of bigscrun.

The best thing anyone can do right now is getting to know your Representatives and Senator. Write to them (not e-mail) and ask to meet with them in the future about the bill. You do not have to give specifics when you write, but ask them when it would be convenient to meet with them. If there are others who want to meet about the SBS/SBR bill, get together and meet your Rep as a team.

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