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Old November 30, 2007, 03:42 PM   #19
Rob Pincus
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Join Date: October 9, 1998
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Absolutely... I almost went there in the last post, but didn't... should've known we'd get here.

I teach the concept of "Lateral movement" at the point of recognition of a threat. "we can't shoot bullets out of our eyes, but our eyes most often initiate the response". When we see a threat, even if we are in the ready position, there is a time delay to being able to shoot effectively. In CFS, I teach to use that time for the lateral shift "off the x" the person chose that spot to try to kill you, so that spot is BAD. As Jim noted in his reference to Mr. Smith's teachings.... Get off that spot, shift at least one body width laterally during presentation, plant & shoot.

There is an article about lateral movement in the VTC Online Newsletter archives.

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