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Old December 16, 2007, 01:10 PM   #132
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Join Date: January 21, 2007
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Sometimes we have to do our best to balance individualism with altruism (like we do for our families).

I was a pot smoker for ten years and still keep my ears open to our small-town drug scene, so I'm not completely naive.

I truly believe the vast majority of people lack the ability to discipline their use of hard drugs (crack, meth, heroin) so we should continue to discourage their use and manufacture. Frankly, I'm sickened by knowing we have disfunctional welfare families where that father deals, or sits in jail while we pay for his room, board, and dentistry bills. That is a huge societal problem (not to mention moral apathy). Hard drugs are so physically addictive that they cloud judgement almost immediately.

Marijuana should be decriminalized (not legalized) so that one can possess less than one ounce, and if authorities find 5-10 plants growing in a residence, they should kindly ignore it. Also, they should ignore pot paraphenilia instead of assuming it's a crack pipe in legal terms.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms should be decriminalized (laws vary on this one).

I believe in an individuals right to smoke cigarettes, but I personally hate them. Smokers almost never habitually blow their smoke upward like a considerate smoker would, plus most throw their butts all around with "the world is my trash can" attitude. The smell makes me sick; for God's sake smoke some decent tobacco (roll your own) because mainstream cigarettes are complete poison for EVERYONE.

BTW, Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug; for me it was alchohol and others cigarettes. The only context in which pot is a gateway drug is because it's illegality puts you in contact with other drug users with (GASP!!) OPEN MINDS!! (I'm not saying an open mind is an optimum state of mind, but it's better than being small/close minded completely).

Our Office of Drug Control Policy likes to focus on Marijuana and demonize it because they are trying to nip the drug problem in the bud amongst our youth; unfortunately, this discredits their entire campaign when teens learn that Marijuana is (relative to other illegal drugs) harmless.
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