Thread: Do you grapple?
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Old April 20, 2016, 09:05 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by shafter View Post
What about the "grappling" situation is taking you down the road to deadly force? Is a knife suddenly in play or some other sort of weapon? Do they know you have a firearm and are trying to get to it?

Just asking because we all know just because you're going hands on with someone doesn't mean you legally get to pull your gun but the tone of the thread seems to suggest that. Maybe I read it wrong.

That said I think a practical fighting skill such as BJJ combined with a striking art is invaluable as part of someone's self defense skill set. Heck even just being in good physical shape is a very good start.

Well if you are being very likely have a good reason to shoot someone. Most states seem to have the tone of "fear of grievous bodily harm" and to me...most people may have that reasonable fear if they are outclassed enough by someone physically (God made man, but Sam Colt made them equal).

But all bluster aside. The point is more to keep you from having to go to guns. Like I said in a previous post: if Zimmerman hadn't of been a fat sack...he would likely have not have needed to shoot trayvon. And that is ignoring the whole getting out of the truck thing. And that is my main point. Practicing may keep you from having to go guns.
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