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Old April 9, 2011, 05:28 PM   #32
Glenn Bartley
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Join Date: October 18, 2006
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Like this?

I think I will pass.
From what I can see of what those rather unwise men are performing, I will also take a pass. First of all they are doing a roll with pistol already in hand. Sooner or later one of them will come up with a muzzle full of dirt and blow the barrel up when he fires. Secondly, when they roll, the firearms covers way too many things other than the intended target and they have no way of knowing what it is covering in a street type situation. Thirdly, it would be very easy to do that just a bit off and have your finger winding up on the trigger and the gun going off when you did not intend for it to do so. Fourth, what was the purpose of the roll - was it to bring you out from concealment into the other guy's field of fire where you are an easier target? They could have fired from concealment, in the reeds, then run to the other side, and again fired from concealment much faster than the roll out into the open, stand, then fire thing they did. What truly tactical shooter runs out of a concealed area, INTO THE OPEN, TO ENGAGE??? Finally, doing it on dirt (or on mats) is one thing - doing anything like that on concrete is one heck of a difference; I know due to several experiences with people who resisted arrest during my career.

It may be cool under controlled circumstances but very likely would be mostly useless against someone shooting at you who is a decent shot. By the time you are up on your feet and firing, you would probably have several bullets in your body. I would like to see someone do this during a Simunition exercise against a capable opponent.

As for the guys being less than safe in what they were doing, they added insult to injury because I did not hear anyone correct the guy who turned on the camera gun still drawn. He may have thought he was cool, I think he is an accident waiting to happen as I think about the whole maneuver they were practicing.

I will admit, it possibly could save your life if it startled your opponent enough (then again so could doing jumping jacks or dropping your pants) but mostly it seems to be potentially too dangerous to others than your targetted bad guy so I will pass it up. Besides, I am fat and old and wiser and not about to do things like that even though in my dumber youth I may have tried it.

All the best,
Glenn B
When I look in the mirror, I am happy to see, some of that nine year old boy, who used to be me.

Last edited by Glenn Bartley; April 9, 2011 at 05:39 PM.
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