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Old March 15, 2018, 11:22 AM   #20
Glenn E. Meyer
Senior Member
Join Date: November 17, 2000
Posts: 20,064
The idea of passing a state law is to try to change the public relations and cultural view of a given behavior. In the marijuana case, the sheer number of folks using and the businesses set up in a non offensive manner (meaning not a criminal on the street selling pot from an alley) would make a draconian Federal shut down a major state issue.

Similarly there is significant public opposition to Federal immigration actions (let's not discuss that though - just an example) and local government resistance. That can and will be reflected in the elections.

There is no such large constituency for suppressors. In fact, Paul Ryan couldn't wait to ditch the HPA.

So you can pass laws for your local choir but that doesn't mean they will have national impact or protect you (as said repeatedly by our experts).
NRA, TSRA, IDPA, NTI, Polite Soc. - Aux Armes, Citoyens
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