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Old June 12, 2010, 06:14 AM   #9
DT Guy
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Join Date: February 4, 2001
Posts: 959
It's about reputation.

You may (and I have) found local trainers who are excellent communicators, have current skill sets and can run a safe dynamic range. But I did a lot of digging to turn them up, and weeded out a number of guys who'd been to big name schools and were now droning out material they had taken from that training, often incompletely understood, and charging for it. (One was even using the 'big name' school's handouts, copied with the letterhead changed!)

So you pay for the reputation and 'known quantity' that an established instructor represents. Sign up for a class from Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, Givens, Cain, Farnam, etc, and you KNOW you're not wasting time, money and ammo training with someone who's not up to speed.

He who fights and runs away had better run pretty damn fast.

Government, Anarchy and Chaos
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