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Old August 15, 2009, 10:29 PM   #133
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If you want to do what's right...

... just make you sure you know what you are doing first.

It would really suck to intervene, only to find out you took the wrong side based on misinterpreting what you were seeing.

It would also really suck to intervene and cause harm to innocent third parties.

It would also really, really suck to find that you had caused an escalation in the situation, and had effectively voided any right to claim self-defense.

OldMarksman has NEVER said don't stand up for an obvious innocent victim; neither have I, or Uncle Billy, or anybody else. What we have all said is that you had better really understand your state's laws, both as they are written and as they have actually been executed in court; you had better make sure you have a complete grasp of the situation you choose to enter; and, you had better realize that life isn't TV, and that your intervention has a chance of making things worse even if you do understand what is happening.

And OnTheJon55, you still come across as way too eager to draw a gun.
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