Thread: Okay, people.
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Old September 14, 2001, 01:27 AM   #103
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Join Date: October 5, 2000
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Over the years I have always had fun, when discussing defense policys, of asking a simple question. Which War Are You Planning On Fighting? Usually people don't like me after I ask it and the following questions. But, What the Hay!! They usually don't like me anyway.
When you start talking War you really are getting into an area where you had better know what you are asking for or you will make many mistakes that will cause you to lose. If not losing the contest then losing that which you started out fighting for.
It's easy to demand immediate violent action against someone or something cause its so soothing to the soul and emotions. Unfortunately, in most cases it leads to further bad things and greater damage to the soul and emotions.
For the people of this nation we have to maintain an adherence to our written laws for only there are we superior to these terrorist and only there will we defeat them. I've read that a number of great military leaders have always claimed that it is not only the strength of your right arm but the strength of your ideals which win the war. In my limited knowledge I cannot disagree.
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