Thread: Hunting
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Old July 9, 2006, 11:08 AM   #5
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Join Date: January 17, 2002
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Don't feel bad. I hate to admit it, but I hunted deer for 10+ years, when I was younger, and never got a deer (although I did see some). We have to use shotguns here, and deer were too far away for clean shot. Decided to try again last year (after many years of not hunting) and never saw one..Even though I'm hunting my own property, and routinely see 2-5 deer in my BACK YARD throughout the summer. I was in a tree stand, just far enough away to make it legal (500 ft from occupied dwelling) for me to hunt there. But, around here, once the first gun goes off, the deer seem to "disappear" until the season is over.

This year, I may try archery, as it's before gun season, and my friend just opened an archery shop. The weather is usually better (I hate freezing my butt off) and the deer haven't yet been spooked by gun shots.

As has already been mentioned, location makes a difference. Areas with alot of hunting pressure can be tough. Finding a successful mentor is good idea, if you can. And once the deer are in "spook" mode, any noise whatsoever will send them into the next county.
"If you Listen to Fools, the Mob Rules"

"No one has the answer, but one thing is true.
You'e got to turn on evil, when its coming after you.
You've gotta face it down,and when it tries to hide,
you've got to go in after it, and never be denied.
Time is running out...Let's roll.
Let's roll for freedom, let's roll for love.
We're going after satan, on the wings of a dove.
Let's roll for freedom, let's roll for truth.
Let's not let our children grow up fearful in their youth."
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