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Old January 8, 2014, 09:19 PM   #47
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Join Date: December 11, 2004
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Others have said it:

Three 40 gr. fluttering pieces of metal alloy held together by a piece of string. The pieces strike side on. Likely it would hurt some but there would be a lack of penetration. Penetration is important.

Would you trust this against a fellow in heavy winter clothing?

In the video they maintain that there is no danger of penetrating through a person.

Would you trust this to take a deer at 20 yards? Or 10?

Might work on a rabbit or raccoon.

Weapons Education is an odd fellow. I think it was at the 2012 or 2013 Shot Show that Les Baer (maybe Ed Brown) would not grant him an unscheduled on camera interview for his on line show. Weapons Education threatened tried to force Brown to give him an interview by threatening to denounce him to the "millions" of internet gun people who watched his show.

This is nothing like chain shot. That was fired from a cannon.

This is handgun velocities.

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