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Old August 15, 2012, 02:18 PM   #2
Senior Member
Join Date: January 19, 2007
Posts: 2,663
I found things like a El-Presidente or Vice Presidente with a small stop plate at the end were good skill builders.

My friends and I came up with a home dry-fire drill that we found to be effective, though it was built more around new USPSA shooters like we were at the time. It was:

Clear and show clear, holster your cleared gun hammer down. Put a 3x5 card on the wall 10' feet away.

Using a timer for the random beep, draw and engage the 3x5 card with a double tap. Since your gun is hammer down you don't have to worry about cocking the hammer. Do a dry-reload and press-press again. Repeat for about 10-15 minutes.

The nice thing about this exercise is that it covers a lot of ground- reaction, draw, front sight, reload, etc.
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