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Old September 17, 2010, 04:40 PM   #30
Join Date: October 13, 2001
Posts: 3,355
Originally Posted by M4Sherman
the best thing to do is strip the parts and torch the receiver
Originally Posted by Jim Keenan
Why not destroy it? Because that is a crime in itself, destroying evidence of a felony, which is the possession.
What if, instead of doing what M4Sherman suggests, you strip the receiver, do a lawyer-mediated hand-off of the illegal receiver and any other illegal components to the BATFE, then keep the rest. That avoids the whole destruction-of-evidence problem, doesn't it? At least then someone would benefit from the upper and other parts. Either you could build a new semi AK, or you could sell the parts.

I wonder though if there's legal precedent for arguing that destruction of an item which is illegal per-se cannot be considered destruction of evidence. I would expect case law on this in the area of drugs... who has been prosecuted for flushing drugs down the toilet (prior to a raid, not during...), and have those prosecutions stuck?
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“Who are you?” “A friend. I'm here to prevent you from making a mistake.” “You have no idea what I'm doing here, friend.” “In specific terms, no, but I swore an oath to protect the world...” (continuum)
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