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Old January 16, 2019, 12:37 PM   #31
F. Guffey
Senior Member
Join Date: July 18, 2008
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Originally Posted by briandg
Did anyone else take anything away from this other than I shouldn't have opened my door? That's entirely not the point, as I said.

Frankly ... no.
Briandg, I do not get involved with this part of the forum, I read through this one because you are the OP.

Years ago I had plans on getting married, problem: I was invited to my 'wife to be' apartment, I would like to think she wanted to show off her cooking skills. About the time she got started their was a knock at the door. I did not see who was knocking but it sounded like a mob. The wife to be took care if it; she explained she did not know of anyone having a party, she explained she was not invit4ed and she did not know of anyone having a party and she made it very clear she was not interested in having a party.

She went back to cooking and I went back to waiting when there was another knock at the door; I told her I would take care if it. Another mob looking for a party. I reminded them what she said; she did not know who was having a party, she was not invited, she did not know of anyone having a party and she was not interested in having a party, it was at this time I told the party goer to 'MAKE TRACKS!' He had a bottle in one hand and a glass in the other; he gave me his best James Dean smile and I stepped out of the door and on him.

I was told by neighbors it was one on hell of a noise, I stepped back into the apartment without asking the wife to be what she thought, I honestly expected I did what she expected me to do.

Well there was a party, the host of the party wanted to know what happened to his party goers, He told the apartment manager he did not know anyone that lived on the second floor out side of the Gay guy and the two girls that lived above her. She corrected him, she informed him one of the girls was dating the guy that rides the Harley and then said, "here he comes right there".

I parked, spoke and then went upstairs, it was about that time the ship hit the sand. The marriage was off. She informed me she never saw anyone get so mad so fast and hit someone so hard in all of her life. I explained to her I was outnumbered, I told her I did not have time to hit anyone twice, I told her they should have learned how to act before they left their homes and no one warned them about me.

It helped that most of the neighbors came over to her apartment to tell her they were horrified at the mob that took over the complex. The little Gay guy said he had never seen pictures fly off the wall and then there was the noise.

On Monday she went to work to informed them there would be no wedding. the boss said it was too bad he was not in Denver Saturday night. An article in the paper gave an account of a mother and son that were murdered by a stranger that knocked on the door.

And then there was 'THE classic motor rage event in Ft. Worth, Texas.

A whole new meaning to, "He did what?" there were no Bob Ukers there. No one was in a hurry because they were concerned I was going to make them late, they all waited patiently.

F. Guffey

Last edited by F. Guffey; January 16, 2019 at 12:42 PM.
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