Thread: Mindset
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Old August 19, 2013, 09:51 AM   #130
Glenn E. Meyer
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Join Date: November 17, 2000
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Actually, if you read the training literature in emergency and critical incidents, the useful responses are those that are practiced repeatedly in simulations. Thus, they are reasoned responses that move from conscious competence to unconscious competence - the concept of automaticity.

Thus, in a fire, dogfight, gun fight -well trained people don't go 'animal' which implies an unreasoned rage. They respond quickly with a perceptual and cognitive action paradigm that they trained into. We hear the mantra - you will resort to your training. Experts mention how in a gun fight their training guided them through.

In cases with unreasoned use of force - for example, sympathetic or contagious shooting of an innocent - that might be described as 'going animal'. Extreme violence was not well thought out.

Can we finally agree that this was an ill chose phrase - for many reasons?
NRA, TSRA, IDPA, NTI, Polite Soc. - Aux Armes, Citoyens
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