Thread: can't find 9mm
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Old January 27, 2013, 04:52 AM   #15
Join Date: November 8, 2012
Posts: 35
The Media nowadays after the few shootings last year is and seems attuned to publish any gun-related incident in a unthoughtful and harsh manner no matter how petty or immature it is. Because some and possibly a great majority of newsmen don't know anything and are very inexperienced with the word gun and know little about it and think that the gun did the crime and not the person. Plus every time the news keeps putting up extra news to deliberately or unknowingly so harass the gun owner population. It gets me ****** at how dumb people respond to the news like 'oh yeah thats crazy they got shot so now we got to do something lawfull to lawfull gun owners about this, its so bad ' I hate that ****. I know it makes ammo and guns harder to get stirring peoples emotions up with the bull being plastered at msn every morining I wake up.
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