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Old November 1, 2008, 04:23 PM   #17
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A lawful contribution to the Obama campaign.

Now, his judgement is in question no doubt.

Does anyone have McCain's voting record on the Klinton laws, assault weapon bans etc?

My general read is both have voted pretty much the same when in congress. I view the entire election as a win win.

Moving from Congress to the presidency, either is now out of Congress, and, I and the rest of the US is pretty disgusted with congress, 8 or 9 % approval rating. Getting another lawyer, Obama out of congress is always a good thing.

The presidency, when you really get down to it, is blamed for actions taken by congress. Who voted to fund the war?
Who voted, illegally, to give the Executive branch control, and, failed to actually declare war?

Who is giving 50 billion dollars to Africa to fight aids?

We survived Klinton, we can survive Obama.

Currently, we are experiencing run away greed and corruption on a scale not equaled since the turn of the century, and the robber barons. We may end up with a socialist government....
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