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Old September 15, 2005, 07:19 AM   #51
Jack Malloy
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Join Date: February 3, 2005
Posts: 791
If you carry an auto the main reason to carry a spare magazine has nothing to do with firepower.
It has everything to do with the fact that 90 percent of auto malfunctions are magazine related.
The typical firefight is over with three rounds fired at about ten feet. I carry a spare mag in case I have a feedway hangup and the feed lips on my primary mag get bent.
In regards to what a jury thinks, the only jury case I ever sat through where the number of shots fired came up was in a murder trial in a domestic violence case.
The husband shot the wife six times with a Ruger .357 magnum, reloaded and shot her again.
All of this was in front of their kids.
Had he shot her three times or five times, it would not have made much difference to the jury.
In my opinion the only group of people out there who don't understand anything at all about terminal ballistics are "professional" journalists, whose only ideas of anything law enforcement related tends to be based on old tv shows.
They blindly buy into the fantasy that if you shoot somebody one time with a .22 or a 9mm the person will fly backwards and die like they do in movies. The also seem to overlook the same movies where the good guy gets shot a few times and seems oblivious to the injury.....
These same folks get angry at police when they get robbed and nobody starts dusting for fingerprints as they don't realize fingerprints are useless unless you alllready have a suspect.
(Unless you have been inthe military, the police, security work or jail, chances are your fingerprints are not on file).
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